What a
huge disappointment. My rating now might change depending on my further assessment of the novel. I'm still contemplating whether I should give it 1 or 2 stars. Most of my 1 star are for my dnf books, so I might go ahead and give this a 2. Lucky bastard, but like I said, it might drop down to 1star one day.
The main problem would be the characters. Almost all of them were flat and dull. Dull to the point that you wouldn't mind them dying. To be honest Kelly and her daughter were the only ones well developed. That says a lot about this novel, she's not even the main character. Nate was terribly boring, despite his knowledge of the Amazon and all. No sympathy felt while reading this.
Another huge problem would be the plot, or the substance of it. This novel had huge potential, but wow, it failed big time.
The Amazon. That alone drawn me in to read this novel, and obviously I was expecting a lot. I was expecting to read more of the animals, insects, and other weird made up creatures, but instead I was shoved with plants, and a few mildly interesting creatures.
Don't get me wrong, the plants mentioned in the novel were fairly interesting, but it wasn't adequate to make the novel as amazing as it should've been. Like I said, we're talking about the Amazon here, anything can happen. It being a huge mystery, James Rollins could've given us more than what he did. I can't further express how disappointed I am, because the list would go on and on if I am to talk about the inadequacy of the Amazon experience I was looking forward to.
Next issue would be the "secret" of the Amazon. It was okay, but nothing to be amazed about.
Sure the fact that his father was still alive was a little bit shocking, but I wasn't that impressed. Even the cure itself was utterly boring for me. Need I repeat myself,
James Rollins could've given us more. Before anyone comment on maybe I'm not fond of this genre, I will stop you right there and say that I'm a huge Sci-Fi fan, especially of this genre to be precise. Amazon, jungles, underwater, desert, etc. Those things interest me, especially the animals and weird horror filled things that could be unraveled. Mystery filled Sci-Fi adventure is an amazing genre for me, I've read some books, and also seen some movies regarding these, and I liked them.
So to sum it all up, I really didn't like this novel. It had a huge potential to be one of my favorites, but it ended up being one of the novels I wouldn't recommend to anyone. I didn't like it, but I guess it was also okay in a way. Mildly interesting botany facts, and a few mildly interesting creatures. If I were you though, I'd read something else of James Rollins. I've read some of his other novels, and really liked them. I did have huge expectations before reading this, so maybe that contributed to this awful disappointment I'm feeling right now.
2 bloody awful stars.