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Currently reading

The Hidden Ones: Legacy of the Watchers (Legacy of the Watchers, Book One)
Nancy Madore
Blackest Night
Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Oclair Albert, Joe Prado
Blackest Night: Green Lantern
Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps
Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Five
George R.R. Martin
A Dance With Dragons
George R.R. Martin
The Last Wish (The Witcher Saga)
Andrzej Sapkowski
June 2014
started following:
read and rated
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finished reading:
June 2014
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finished reading:
June 2014
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June 2014
reviewed: The Eye of Minds
Kindly skip the sentences that were underlined as they will contain spoilers.Before I get into the review of the novel, I'd...
The Eye of Minds  - James Dashner
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finished reading:
June 2014
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June 2014
reviewed: Not the best, but okay I guess.
Mixed thoughts about this one. I didn't like it as much as I wanted to, but for a YA novel, this was sort of good to be hones...
The 5th Wave - Rick Yancey
reviewed: The 5th Wave
Mixed thoughts about this one. I didn't like it as much as I wanted to, but for a YA novel, this was sort of good to be hones...
The 5th Wave - Rick Yancey
finished reading:
June 2014
currently reading
June 2014
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June 2014
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June 2014
reviewed: Needful Things
Special mention to Kat Stark! Because of her 4 star rating of this, and a really favorable review, I decided to pick this up ...
Needful Things - Stephen King
finished reading:
June 2014
reviewed: Mitosis
The few first sentences of this short novel made me rate it 5 stars right away.The day had finally arrived, a day I'd been aw...
Mitosis - Brandon Sanderson
finished reading:
June 2014
reviewed: The Martian
A few quotes from the novel, so I guess slight spoilers ahead. Major spoilers will be hidden under a spoiler tag, lol just w...
The Martian - Andy Weir
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June 2014
reviewed: Shadow and Bone
I decided not to do a full review anymore, just because my review would be a comparison of this to another amazing Fantasy no...
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
finished reading:
June 2014
reviewed: Reboot
A huge disappointment for me, but to be honest I only picked this up because of that awesome looking cover. Don't judge a bo...
Reboot  - Amy Tintera
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June 2014
reviewed: Ready Player One: A Novel
One of my favorite novels of all time. Of all time. Amazing world building, best I've ever read for now. Amazing in a way tha...
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
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June 2014
reviewed: Amazonia
What a huge disappointment. My rating now might change depending on my further assessment of the novel. I'm still contempla...
Amazonia - James Rollins
finished reading:
June 2014
reviewed: The Hero of Ages
A satisfying conclusion to one of my favorite trilogies of all time. It delivered what it promised, closure. All answers have...
The Hero of Ages  - Brandon Sanderson
finished reading:
June 2014
reviewed: Purified
This was a really good thriller novel. An interesting premise, and it was very well executed. Purified didn't have a slow sta...
Purified - Brian Robert Smith
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